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Re: Weight and balance

Subject: Re: Weight and balance
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 06:47:44

In a message dated 07/12/99 23:12:52 Greenwich Standard Time, writes:

<< Presumably there is a way of calculating the better 
 solution (to use ballast or move the battery) >>

Take a look at the cog17 message of 16.3.99 
CoG17 is ideal for this sort of thing .. you slide a cursor around on the 
weights and see the cog moving inside the limit area.   You can download if 

It is a bit big at 1Mb+ as it contains a driver file MSVBVM60.dll, but if you 
have this already in your Windows somewhere you can just use the  exe, which 
zipped up is only 22k.  AFAIR the forum strips off attachments, so you will 
need to email me direct if you want this bit only.

Graham C.

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