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Re: intro and landing lights

Subject: Re: intro and landing lights
From: Rowland and Wilma Carson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 22:08:51

>Does anyone have a kit or completed Europa in the Dallas, TX area I

>look at?

Hello Eric - I'm Membership Secretary
of the Europa Club. The latest info I've got includes the following
kits in Texas:

A023   Ovilla

A038   Vidor

A039   Amarillo

A040   Houston

A050   Houston

A085   Edinburg

It's not good manners to post other folks' addresses or phone numbers
on a

public forum such as this, and anyway I only have permission to release

Club members' details to other Club members, not publicly.

Check with the Lakeland Europa office to see if those builders are
prepared to

have their address/phone released to you. Some people don't like to

broadcast their address because they don't want to be bothered by

time-wasters who might use up valuable building time - but most Europa

people are friendly towards future builders and should be prepared to

you a reasonable amount of time.

Note that the people with the higher kit numbers may not yet have a

lot of anything that looks like a Europa just yet!

I guess you just missed Sun'n'Fun, but there may also be Europas at
other fly-ins apart from Oshkosh (sorry, EAA Airventure (TM)). Again,
the Lakeland office may be able to help if there is going to be any
official presence at other shows.



PS let me know if you want info on the Europa Club, which is for
wannabees as well as builders & flyers.

... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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