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Re: Heavy Tailplane

Subject: Re: Heavy Tailplane
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 19:09:00

I weighed my tailplanes, using a fish scale.  Got 8-1/2 lb.  I tried also
using a bath scale, by both methods you cite.  Got all sorts of readings, one
as little as 6.  If you did the wet-out carefully as you say, I would leave
the bathroom scale in the bathroom and not worry about it.


Fred FIllinger, #A063

On 2/11, Brain Rauchfuss wrote --

>I just got finished covering the 2nd skin of my left tailplane.  I then
>got out the bathroom scale to measure it.  12 lbs!  Looking through 
>some previous messages on the list, I discover that at least one person
>has a completed tailplane at 9 lb plus 1 lb for the trim tab.  That means
>that I am 20% too heavy!!  

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