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Re: Re: inquiry about flaps actuation

Subject: Re: Re: inquiry about flaps actuation
From: Paul Atkinson <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 13:19:14

<<It seems to me that this system is perfectible but may be I
am wrong !>>


I think that someone has converted a monowheel to electric
flaps but cant remember who. Whether there was much to be
gained from it I cannot say, but I think that the Europa
system is a very neat solution to the problem.
Unless you intend to operate your Europa from long flat
runways with no obstacles then I would stick with what they
offer, which is designed for use from short grass strips.
The flap setting is designed for best take off performance
---From short strips with close in obstacles so perhaps landing
performance could be improved with more flap but I doubt by
This system performs two actions with one lever, so there is
one less item in the checklist and one less thing to forget

<<I worry about landing in strong cross wind with all flaps
down. >>

In turbulent conditions it is not a bad idea to use less
landing flap. Europa have already thought of that!

Hope this helps

Paul Atkinson #237

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