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Re: New Tailwheel

Subject: Re: New Tailwheel
From: David Watts <>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 22:39:59
>In a message dated 23/11/97  22:20:16, David Watts  wrote:
><< f the rpm was raised to 2500-2800 he found that he could virtually turn
>the plane in its own length. >>
>Really ? !  Did he try it both ways ?  I would have thought that it would be
>pretty poor in the unfavourable direction using  the prop - especially now
>you have a 30% longer base and only 33 deg. With these figures the 
>unassisted turning circle goes up by 70% ! G-EMIN

I agree with the theory, but the practice proved otherwise.
As for the increased RPM turning circle, we did try it both ways and yes it 
was less of a turn in the unfavourable direction, but not by all that much.

Interestingly enough, I have now had chance to try it on grass (very wet 
grass though, so some skidding may have hampered us) and the turning circle 
is just a bit less than the standard tailwheel, with our new setup. This was 
down at Chavanenage with Martin Stoner where we are trying to convert to 
type, but having real problems with the weather. Only 1 hour flyable in 3 days.
Dave Watts 229.

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