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Re:Rudder control failure, etc

Subject: Re:Rudder control failure, etc
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 18:55:42

Sorry, I wasn't clear on my question about zinc Nicopress sleeves. I assumed
that there was a corrosion problem when copper sleeves are used with
stainless. My question is whether it is acceptable to use copper sleeves with
the stainless cable for the fittings which are not exposed to the weather,
such as those at the tailwheel crank?

I was in the process of laying out the cables during the DAR's visit. I am
enclosing the cable from the pedal to the pulley in Nylaflow tubing to
minimize abrasion. I intended to install a turnbuckle just aft of the baggage
bulkhead so that the front cable section could be released by leaning through
the "D". After describing my intentions to the DAR, he asked how I intended
to inspect the complete length of the cable.  This was clearly impossible
with my initial layout. The new setup is to use an 8 inch length of cable
---From the tailwheel crank to the turnbuckle; by removing the clevis pin the
 cable can slide forward to the pulley to allow inspecting the front section
of the cable. 

It is unclear to me how Europa inspects their cables without turnbuckles -
remove the tailwheel crank and the pushrod containment structure perhaps to
allow sliding the cables forward?  Does one remove the complete tailwheel
assembly for lubrication anyway during the yearly inspection?

I assume that the flap bolts you referred to are those at the hinge points.
The DAR also asked about the hinge bolts on the flaps. He indicated that the
technique  used in the Europa is acceptable and does not require pinning.

I look forward to hearing what your book says about the Nicopress fittings.

Regards,    John     A044

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