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Fuel Tank Bracket Layups

Subject: Fuel Tank Bracket Layups
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 16:22:28
Looking for advice from those who have done it.  I was about to glass in the
fuel tank and must admit I'm at a loss in deciding how to lay in the bracket
(#1) to the forward bulkhead.  There is about a 1/2" gap between the tank and
bulkhead, and we've got to get the 36" long BID layup on polythene film into
this gap and squeegee out all of the air, as well as insert a "temporary
packing", which I guess holds the whole mess in place during cure.  It looks
nearly impossible. The "temporary packing" will have to be the full 36" long
to support the layup and allow for the flox fillet.  How do you get it into
place?  Even if I can do this, how do you get out the "temporary packing" and
remove the polyfilm after cure?  With the tank, pitch torque tube and aileron
pushrods, you can barely get your fingers into this space!  Any advice would
be greatly appreciated! 

Also, the aileron link rod rubs against the tank during operation.  It
appears that the link rod could be changed to the forward side of the cranks
CS08 which could alleviate the problem, but it might interfere with the spar
root stubs. Any comments?

Thanks in advance,


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