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Thoughts on COMM antennas

Subject: Thoughts on COMM antennas
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 12:18:44
 I've been watching a thread on this subject. I think it started 
 when someone asked why that little stick of metal had to cost so 
 much money. There've been a number of responses most of which 
 contributed good and useable ideas but I'd like to summarize 
 some of what I've read and organized in no particlular way, add 
 a few thoughts of my own: 

 VHF comm antennas operate over a range of 118 to 135 MHz here 
 in the US . . . similar ranges elsewhere. The classic solution 
 to comm antennas on airplanes has been abasic, 1/4 wave, mono- 
 pole antenna using the aircraft skin as a ground-plane.The  
 antenna's radiating part has to be electrically connnected to 
 the coaxial feedline which carries signals between antenna and 

 The most durable materials for construction are the steels,  
 most popular of which is a stainless. Copper, brass and alluminum  
 have been suggested and used successfully for enclosed antennas  
 in composite structures but they are difficult to make live  
 on the outside. Non-ferrous materials work-harden and tend to 
 break off after some priod of time "waving in the breezes".

 Electrical connections to copper and brass are easy . . solder 
 it. Aluminum and steels need soldered or solderless terminals 
 attached to the radiator with some sort of threaded fastener. 
 Many years ago, Cessna fabricated their own antennas by threading 
 the end of a 3/16" stainless rod, mounting the threaded end through 
 a two-piece, ceramic insulator in the cabin top and holding the 
 whole business in place with a nut inside and one outside. A third 
 nut attached the coax center conductor's crimped on terminal to the 
 base of the rod. Another terminal attached the coax shield to the 
 skin adjacent to the antenna base.  The antenna would have worked 
 best if left straight but performance was only slightly degraded 
 by bending the rod aft  to give it a rakish appearance. 

 This design suffered from the ususal problems. Things like this 
 stuck into the airstream like to shake rattle and roll. Skin 
 doublers were wont to crack around the hole where the insulator 
 came through. They leaked when it rained. They would also tend to 
 loosen up and if over tightened by a zealous mechanic, the ceramic 
 insulator would give it up with a sound like cracking ice. 

 None-the-less, the cost of fabrication and installation was 
 attractive and like most maufacturers then and since, cost 
 out-the-door was a MAJOR driver, not cost-of-ownership AFTER 
 it got out the door . . . 

 Aluminum and brass can be used for antenna rod material but 
 be prepared for periodic replacment. These materials work-harden 
 and break off regularly. Steel antennas can resonate and vibrate 
 in the wind and break too.  I was riding shotgun with my sister 
 on a driving trip a few winters ago. We were getting some very 
 light precipitation and the OAT was about 29 degrees. I watched 
 in fasination as the am/fm antenna right out the window from me 
 gathered ice. As it's shape and mass changed, I watched it start 
 to "hum" . . it had a perfect full wave mode with a node right 
 in the middle that stood perfectly still. As the ice coating 
 grew, the amplitude of the hum grew too. My enjoyment of watching 
 the demonstration ended when the antenna just disappeared!  
 It broke cleanly from the fender mount right at the base. 

 People are generally  unaware of the fact that MOST of an 
 antenna's good work happens in the first few inches off the 
 base. The design I just described had a substantial percentage 
 of it's working length INSIDE the cabin. The rod extended 
 through the cabin roof about an inch, an the coax cables I 
 saw had about another inch of exposed center conductor 
 hanging out from under the shield before a terminal was 
 installed. This material is PART of the antenna's overall 
 length at the base where the critter is trying to lauch 
 your signals into the ether . . . the part inside the 
 cabin was willing but crippled. 

 There was some mention of a radio shack automotive antenna 
 as  a likely candidtate for vhf comm conversion. I bought a 
 12-1322 radio shack antenna for $10.  First, the conducting 
 part is all one piece, not telescoping (good). The base is 
 designed for installation through a 7/8" hole with all the 
 work being accomplished from outside. All of the metals 
 appear to be stainless or plated except for the mounting 
 barrel which appears to be injection molded aluminum. 

 First, the coax feedline supplied with this antenna would 
 have to be discarded. If you cut it open you'll find a very 
 tiny center conductor designed to provide a low capacitance, 
 hi-impedance connection between antenna base and the input 
 stages of an automotive a.m. radio.  This coax is unsuitable 
 for connecting the 50-ohm output of a transmitter to the 
 antenna.  If you look inside the connector at the base of 
 the antenna, you'll see a stainless steel pin which is the 
 machined down butt of the antenna rod. The original connector 
 has a hard copper female sleeve that gets a fair grip on 
 this stub when the connector is engaged. 

 In am/fm radio service, this joint carries very tiny currents 
 in a receive-only mode. While you're transmitting, a 5 watt 
 transmitter will generate approx .3 amps in this joint. A 
 lot of degredation in this connection will go un-noticed in 
 am/fm applications while vhf comm transmission requires a 
 solid connection. 

 I think my approach would be to drill a piece of brass rod 
 for an interruption fit to the stub. Turn down the other 
 end for a solder post . . . .06 to .08" diameter. Or tap 
 it for 8-32 nut.  Clamp the antenna rod in a vise and drive  
 the brass terminal down onto the stub. 

 When mounting this antenna, keep in mind that supporting 
 the whole thing on a skin area surrounding a 7/8" hole is 
 too much load on the material.  A .06 or better doubler 
 should cover at least 4-6 square inches around the mounting 
 hole. Before installing the doubler on the skin, drill a 
 countersunk hole for a 6-32 or 8-32 flat head screw as close 
 to antenna base as possible and with head of screw against 
 the underside of the aircraft skin.  Rivet the doubler to 
 the skin with generous sprinkling of flush rivets. 

 When the antenna is mounted, attach RG-58 coax center 
 conductor to antenna rod and shield braid to the ground 
 stud provided on the doubler. Use an SWR bridge or antenna 
 analyzer to measure the antenna's characteristics at 
 125 MHz. Use Dremmel with cut-off wheel to score the 
 antenna rod all around and then snap it off. When the 
 optimum length is achieved, use the hand grinder to 
 smooth and round the tip of the antenna rod. 

 Optimum performance dictates that the antenna be mounted 
 in a vertical plane. One respondant to this thread talked 
 about using "wingtip" antennas for comm . . . it was an 
 RV'er I think. I'm wondering if he is considering the 
 gamma-matched, monopoles offered by Bob Archer and described 
 in a variety of kit-type newsletters. Be advised that these 
 antennas are suitable only for vhf navigation (omni) because 
 they are horizontally polarized. 

 Another respondant suggested that amateur radio 2-meter 
 antennas may be cut down to a length compatable with VHF 
 comm operation. He did speak to the existance of "coils 
 and matching circuits" in the base but seemed to offer the 
 notion that an SWR meter doesn't lie when you trim the 
 aforementioned antenna to the length required to lower 
 the SWR at the frequency of interest. 

 Be advised that 2-meter (144-148 MHz) ham antennas are 
 generally 5/8 wavelength at the frequency of interest 
 and require a matching network in the base that really 
 clobbers the antenna's overall performance when trimmed 
 to operate in the 118-135 range. If you are considering 
 such a modification, take steps to bypass or remove any such 
 matching hardware before trimming. Just because the SWR can
 be lowered to some satisfactory value doesn't make the antenna 
 work.  A 50 ohm resistor has an SWR of 1:1 and radiates not 
 at all . . . it does get hot but we're not building coffee 

 Without test equipment, it's impossible to optimize an antenna 
 in place. Without flying the antenna with test equipment -or- 
 taking the installation to an antenna test range, it's impossible 
 to put meaningul numbers on an antenna's performance. Be cautious 
 of suggested designs where individuals say, "it really works great!"  
 Consider that 95% of your communications occurs at within 10 miles 
 of the other station. A wet string hung out the window might be 
 said to "work great".  The load it presents to your transmitter, 
 and the efficiency at which it covers the azimuth around your 
 ship with readable signals are all non-quantified in "works 
 great" evaluations.  Further, you'll never know about the signals
 you DIDN'T hear because of their position in some deep null of
 the antenna pattern around your airplane. 

 If you enjoy the experimentation and have access to at least 
 rudimentary test equipment (I have an MFJ analyzer that I rent 
 out for such endeavors), then by all means go for it. If you're 
 trying to save money and wince at the idea of spending $50-100 
 for someone's production model but don't feel comfortable with 
 the experiment, then perhaps the purchased antenna is the better 
 deal . . . you can spend a LOT of time experimenting in the dark. 

 Be cautious also of no-name commercial offerings.  Bob Archer's 
 antennas are well built and based on good engineering principals. 
 There are others with 'matching networks' and ferrite beads that 
 are questionable.  Tiny, lumped matching networks may indeed  
 present a low SWR to the transmitter but they are very lossy. 
 Ferrite beads over the coaxial feedline to a dipole antenna 
 contribute so little to its performance that there's no value 
 in installing them.

 Simply attaching the coax conductors to the center of a dipole 
 will produce useable peformance that is not improved by addition 
 of the ferrite beads.

 For metal airplanes, a Dorn-Margolin or Antenna Specialist 
 monopole is about the best performing antenna you can build 
 or buy. It has a fairly generous base to spread loads, it's 
 been perfected over the years to provide reasonable service 
 life in 200 mph winds. It's electrical connection is made via 
 coax connector; ALL of  the antenna's active length OUTSIDE 
 the airplane. 

 On composite ships, home-made or commercial monopole antennas 
 must have a metalic "ground plane" under them. Bob Archer has 
 some half-wave dipole offerings that do not require a ground plane. 

 My objective here is NOT to discourage experimentation -or- 
 to throw water on the do-it-yourself endeavor. Irrespective 
 of your reasons for deciding to buy or build, the outcome 
 can only improve if you arm yourself with knowlege. With 
 antennas, the devil is in the details.


    Bob . . . 
    AeroElectric Connection
                  (o o)
    |                               |
    |  Go ahead, make my day . . .  |
    |   Show me where I'm wrong.    |

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