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Europa-List: Re: of interest

Subject: Europa-List: Re: of interest
From: n7188u <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 08:32:10

Thanks for the reply Freddy. 

I am happy about progress but it is coming at a price: I am not doing much of 
besides work and then building airplane :) My poor family has been extremely
patient I have to say!. But to me getting home and working on the plane
is a form of therapy so my wife understands and lets me work :)

It may not sound like from my posting but I am also incredibly lazy when it 
to modifying. I have done very little of that in my Europa because I want to
finish it quickly. But since I have two other airplanes I can fly (a LongEZ
and a Kolb firestar) I am going to leave the Europa on primer and use up 
materials to do small changes here and there (mostly aesthetics and drag 
I've been told that once you finish a project like this you crave missing
some epoxy and doing something. So making little improvements may be a fun
hobby after the build is finished.

My biggest concern is weight. I want to keep it light so let's see what weight
I get when I finish. If light enough I may try drag improvements but if heavy
I may refrain from adding anything to it.


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