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RE: Europa-List: Re: Mono wheel versus Tri-gear

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Mono wheel versus Tri-gear
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2017 02:59:49
Craig and Rick,

The Jab cowl has quite a slope, so I would prefer to cut in a light on the 
pilots side of the cowl.  A lot of work.

I made an exterior hanging light for 12AY and sold it to John Kershner.  Ph
oto Attached in the pdf.  It was just a Kuntzleman which was adequate for a
 painted runway with lights.  Good for taxi.  Lights up the runway paint ab
out 3-500 feet out.  I have never made another for the Kuntzleman as I just
 didn=92t like it as much as others.

Look at your off road guys.  I made a swap of the Walmart special H4s on Ga
ry Leinberger=92s to the Ridgid industries SR-Q2 with a bright dim switch. 
 Either of these lights above will not light up as well as our 100,000 cand
le airliner landing lights but you won=92t feel like Helen Keller coming in
 to land either.  If you have the room, the Aeroled and Whelen standard Par
 light replacements are better than the smaller motorcycle types, but at le
ast twice the cost and amps.  I=92ve never installed an HID but they really
 reach out there, but in my opinion too much weight and heat.  More amps to

I personally like the Rigid SR-Q2 as they are fairly inexpensive, use the h
igh output Cree LEDs and are easy to mount.  They don=92t make noise either
.  Go to youtube and take a look at Ridgid Industries Hi/LO SRQ2 Drive Beam
 Pattern Snake Racing test video.

I set these small LEDs all up out back of the shop, and the Spot Cree LEDs 
go out about 800 feet pretty well and the driving is just fine at about 500
 feet and wide enough to drive down the road with just one.  There are no r
eflectors out behind the shop, so there is no chance these off road lights 
would be OK on a grass runway on a pitch black night in my opinion, but fin
e for a painted runway.  The Aerosun was not much different than the SRQ2 d
riving light, just a little harder to mount and the lens is not as tough.  
I had to do a paper for clients to explain to me and the guys what the heck
 a lumen, candle, luminance, lux and candlepower was as comparisons are a s
on of a gun without consistent standards.  I=92ve attached that paper I mad
e up from internet articles above also, as I know you do your research.  He
ll of a thing=85how bright is bright.  Who knows until you see it.  I wish 
I had unlimited resources to test these lights out on a runway.  Look at Av
Webs Youtube videos and get some ideas on your own as well as the off road 
and motorcycle guys videos.

Good luck.  If you are going to repaint the cowl anyway, cutting in a reces
sed light is reasonable. Making an external pod is not any easier, but if t
he plane is nicely painted, no repair work will be necessary, just the wiri
ng.  The choices we make eh?

Best Regards,

Bud Yerly

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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of AirEupora <>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 10:41:34 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Mono wheel versus Tri-gear

One of the things that has not been talked about is the landing surface tha
t you will be using.  The mono does good on glass fields.  Where the troubl
e starts is on hard surface runways.  Concrete, Asphalt and the number of p
lies the tire has.  When the Europa first arrived on the shores of the U.S.
 I believe they were using two ply tires.  From what I have learned the fic
tion between the runway surface and the tire that causes a twisting of the 
tire and if a wing tips as in dropped during the landing, think outrigger, 
and touches it unloads the tire and causes the aircraft to weathervane into
 the wind.
On glass field it will not twist the tire as much as the glass will allow t
he tire to move more freely as there is less fiction.
I believe most of the mono wheel pilots have installed tires with more plie
s and you have heard a lot less about ground loops.
If you have a number of hours in a tail wheel aircraft and you get good tra
ining from a mono pilot you should be OK, but any tail wheel aircraft can a
nd will bite you if you don't fly it to parking.  One of the best ways to p
ractice is in a glider.  They all have a mono wheel and they are fun to fly

In many ways I wish I had biuilt a mono wheel, as they are faster.  They lo
ok so nice when they fly by.  With a 914 they are an outstanding airplane.

If you live it the U.S. 97% of all your landings will be on a hard surface!

Rick Stockton

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