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Re: Europa-List: Re: Mandatory U.K. LAA permit directive. Shoot-Bolt

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Mandatory U.K. LAA permit directive. Shoot-Bolt
From: <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 11:24:27
Johnthank you for your thoughtful analysis, summary, and 
invitation for discussion.

> On Jan 16, 2022, at 9:12 AM, John Wighton <> wrote:
> In summary
> 1. There seems to be a wide tolerance on shoot-bolt length.
> 2. Physical examination of Europa shoot-bolts suggests that the end 
taper and radius of the bolt is highly variable.
> 3. The locking mech in the door has a nice bushing/guide.
> 4. The shoot-bolt on the doorframe locates into a plain hole that has 
no dimensional tolerances (ref build manual 35).  The dimension given 
has no datum and may be open to misinterpretation.
> 5. A doorframe mounted bushing - correctly designed, should enable 
more accurate engagement of the shoot-bolt.
> 6. Are the shoot-bolts installed in aircraft sufficiently long?
> Discuss.

I had no idea "that the end taper and radius of the bolt is highly 
variable=9Dmy having assumed that those shoot bolt ends, 
being a factory-supplied component, were identical and consistent.

I found the aluminum sleeves provided for the doorframes to be totally 
adequate; however, after reading reports of =9Cgalling=9D of 
the aluminum sleeves which are bonded to the airframe, I substituted 
teflon sleeves (identical in size and shape to the aluminum sleeves 
supplied with the kit) which I was able to source at McMaster-Carr.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but (up until now) I believed that the loss of 
doors in flight was due to the rear shoot bolt NOT being inserted in the 
rear sleeve of the airframeratherthat the rear shoot 
bolt, as the latching mechanism moves to the closed position, extends 
OUTSIDE of the airframe, prevents proper sealing of the door, and 
results in aerodynamic forces which cause the door to depart.

If that is the case, any additional length of the rear shoot bolt 
(beyond that called for in the build manual) would have no effect. 

In my particular aircraft, due to the resistance of the compressible 
door seal, I find that it is essential to be able to pull in the door at 
the same time that I am closing the latching mechanism.


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