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Europa-List: Re: Frame/gear offset error?

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Frame/gear offset error?
From: Pete <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 11:45:02
Indeed the swingarm is centered on the lower frame tube by two small tabs we
lded onto the top of that tube, which ride on the inside vertical surface of
 the arm=99s brass bushing blocks.  Those tabs are nicely tight on the
 swingarm to prevent any lateral sliding of the swingarm on the tube, but sa
dly they are offset to the pilot=99s side on mine, preventing the swin
garm from clearing the vertical tube.  I was just wonder if others had seen t
his fabrication error, or if mine was a one-off mistake.

Cheers and thanks,

> On Jun 25, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Erich Trombley <> wro
> =EF=BBPete,
> What do you mean by centering tabs?  =46rom you picture it looks like the s
wing arm needs to be moved over slightly to the S.B. side.  I believe the la
teral position of the swing arm is set by the LG08 legs which are centered i
n the large diameter cross tube and LG02A which is bolted to the swing arm. 
 Looking at your picture it doesn=99t look like the LG08s have been mo
unted to the frame yet.  I suspect you just need to clean up the bearing sur
face on the lower frame to allow the swing arm to slide closer to the port s
ide down tube.  Or perhaps I am missing something and got it all wrong. =F0=9F
> Regards,
> Erich
> N28ET Classic Monowheel  914

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