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Re: Europa-List: Vertical play at stabilator tips

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Vertical play at stabilator tips
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018 08:04:41
Hi Chris,
Look at Mod 62 and 73 on:

Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand

Mob +64 210640221

> On 1/10/2018, at 1:18 AM, n7188u <> wrote:
> Dear Forum Members,
> I just finished getting everything ready to bond the fuselage top. I spent
 the last two weeks tweaking the clecoing of the fuselage top (and other nif
ty simple tricks which I can share) to ensure I had nearly zero friction in t
he stab torque tube bearings. It is so smooth that now I am able to feel ver
tical play when I move the stab tip vertically. The play, at the TP11 bearin
g, is in the order of 0.004 to 0.005 inches. Doesn't sound like much but at t
he tip of the stab is quite noticeable. This play doesn't make me happy (new
 plane, sloppy already) but before I start tearing things apart (which I am b
ecoming quite adept at this point) I need to know:
> 1.- Is there a specification for maximum play between the TP11 bearing and
 TP12 drive plate?
> 2.- Anyone knows the tolerances for the diameters of these components (TP1
1 ID and TP12 OD) so that I can measure them?
> 3.- Is this play common in airplanes where the builder was able to achieve
 nearly perfect alignment of these components?
> I contacted Europa (first time since I started building) to see what they t
ell me.
> Regards,
> Chris Martin
> Read this topic online here:

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