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Re: Europa-List: A little Europa Christmas Day Flight 2016

Subject: Re: Europa-List: A little Europa Christmas Day Flight 2016
From: Christophe Dupré <>
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 22:26:45

Did you say you have a 4 seater europa? I thought they only had 2 seats=2E



On 25 December 2016 19:11:37 GMT+00:00, Raimo Toivio <raimo=2Etoivio@rwm
=2Efi> wrote:
>I did perform today my traditional Xmas flight and wanna share this 
>story with you=2E
>Normally I have flown my special four seater (actually 2+2) Europa with
>my family
>(wife & two daughters), but this time they elected to stay home
>  - they know too much and did not like that snowing=2E
>My wife has always had an ability to say "no" if she feels so=2E For my

>teenagers (12&15)
>it=C2=B4s today natural=2E Our dog and cat fly happily, but I did not ask
>them to join=2E
>Went this time alone=2E Uh!
>I drove to EFTP Tampere, which is 20 km from us=2E When I got the plane

>out from hangar,
>it was a heavy snowing=2E Despite of that I decided to "try"=2E Took of 2
>and instantly I got
>a medium feeling "better to land immeadialely"=2E So I did=2E I towed my 
>back to hangar and it
>took all together say one hour=2E When coming out, weather was better=2E 
>even saw some
>blue sky there and there=2E But it was sunset, UTC in Finland here today

>is 1508=2E I considerred
>a while, took my plane again out and so off we went!
>By the way, it was a little strange feeling, because this airport EFTP,
>which is the 2nd largest
>in Finland, is closed always during The Christmas Day=2E I was totally 
>alone there and untowered=2E
>Maybe that was better=2E
>So I flew during the twilight time home to EFRT, which took 5 minuts=2E I
>made several warning
>circuits over our field, becaus my girls were there horse riding with 
>our Dakota, a black stallion=2E
>I landed to 30, which is a grass strip 300 metres long=2E Wind 200=C2=B0 
12 kn
>G22=2E Muddy=2E Temperature 0=C2=B0=2E
>QNH 9002 mbar=2E Tailwind was not a problem, only moderate braking
>was needed before the road=2E
>What a wonderful aircraft we have! I have landed here also several
>w C172 but that=C2=B4s painfull!
>I taxied home and there my family was waiting their father=2E My wife 
>tried to keep her faces calm,
>but I noticed she was a bit upset and that=C2=B4s good=2E Almost always w
>so, next night will be real wild!!!
>I have to say that was not my only reason to fly today=2E Actually I
>the action - flying - itself also=2E
>Time was fast running and I took of almost instantly runway 21, which
>just 200 metres long=2E
>It=C2=B4s enough for me and my Europa (912S w Airmaster and "some" mods)
>in the air it was
>say 120 metres with the aid of that moderaty opposite wind and low
>Then I flew direct to the Tampere City and made a not-so-low low pass 
>over the Christmas Market
>(transponder off, inside the CTR but possible because EFTP was closed)=2E
>Then joining a long final
>of EFTP 24=2E I love long finals, somehow during them, time stands still,
>you know=2E If honest, I would
>like to be forever in the long finals=2E Now you know me=2E
>There I was again=2E Home=2E Home of my beloved Europa=2E It started
>again snowing but no matter, mission accomplished! Time was
>1531 as you can see from the UTC GPS coupled time&temp display=2E
>And please notice the Europa logo over it!
>Someone may notice the wing inside the hangar=2E OH-U666 (formerly
>known as SE-VAY)=2E That=C2=B4s my wife=C2=B4s aircraft LamcoCub, it=C2
=B4s origin a
>bushplane which we bought from Sweden, Stockholm couple of years ago=2E
>It happened so, that I crashed it totally this fall=2E Uh! Landed to EFTP
>during perfect
>conditions, for touch and go=2E With full power just before take off she
>decided to ground loop super tightly counterclockwise=2E I had just
>a new tail wheel into it, Maule original=2E My wise wife said please no
>That=C2=B4s a normal tailwheel, but when taxiing slowly and using
>brake, it goes free=2E That happened during my take off, because
>of the prop circulation effect=2E It went free w/o contact, hello my
>The right gear was collapsed, the right wing destroyed,
>and also, because of the strut, the fuselage went node=2E Both tanks went
>and there I was in the plane, when 80 litres of the fuel poured out=2E I

>was ok,
>and went flying instantly with my Europa=2E I have to do so, and you know
>What a strong ac! Very strange it was, that prop & engine were ok!?
>If the propeller should be rotated, it would have been 40 cm in the
>Obviously I have (no recollection) shut down the magnetos during the
>which was really fast=2E Unfortunately we had no insurance - written out
>That=C2=B4s why I have to build it airborne - will be next spring airborn
>Someone should obviously wash the plane - EFRT was really muddy=2E
>I towed her again to her hangar, said goodby and drove home=2E
>I really can say that I love this machine!
>If she were a Real Woman, I yes indeed would like to make love with
>And I=C2=B4m pretty sure, that my wife would like to say yes in that case
>Because that=C2=B4s probably never possible, I have to be happy just flyi
>Happily I Know she is also=2E=2E=2E
>I am pretty sure Frans understand me: he has an extremely beautiful 
>young wife,
>but would like to make love with his ac if possible AND that=C2=B4s ok by
>Here under from left Ilona, Frans, Miss Netherland=C2=B4s Super Pilot=C2
>Mother Hersef, me
>- Donald Duck - and my wife Marke=2E
>Photo taken in Texel Airshow couple of year ago, 2013=2E
>One day we will have a race w Frans and I=C2=B4m a bit faster of course
>Frans will have a problem; he has genarated several genius mods to his 
>but I have a perfect Mono - no chance! Fast birds retract the gears - 
>that=C2=B4s so!
>Other one need stabilizers=2E=2Elike nose wheels=2E=2E=2E
>Coming home=2E Home along the road "Koivuniementie" (in English
>"Birch Cape Road) we have installed this sign=2E The meaning of the
>Finnish text is about " watch out for randomly rising and falling
>We have built our home strip after 20 years of fight with a landowner,
>who definetly did not want an airfield to his field=2E He died and I
>continued the fight with his son, but no success=2E Then I started
>to talk with the grand son - third generation - and finally the
>solution was found=2E I will not report here how but I used all the
>tricks i have learned in my life and got what I wanted=2E First we built
>a little tower and 03/21=2E Mostly we have western winds and so
>we have to land from north-east, under the 110 kV power lines=2E
>The power company did not like that and they managed the
>Finnish FAA and Ministry of Transport to "*say*" me it=C2=B4s strictly
>forbidden to use this place for landing the acs=2E That started a fight
>of my lifetime=2E We built 12/30 which is parallel to the power lines
>and took of one 20 kV line and several other lines=2E Actually
>because of that we lost our fixed telephone & internet copper lines=2E
>No matter - 4G is not so bad!
>23=2E12=2E2015 the miracle happened; we got the letter from the officials
>"you are free to use your temporary airfield"=2E What a day=2E Actually,
>after that, they have regularly visited us by helicopter, and took off
>some Flying Brewery beer, which we brew in the ESVS, Siljansn=C3=A4s
>Airpark, only Airpark in the Scandinavia=2E
>My Europa=C2=B4s Maiden Flight was 29=2E4=2E2007=2E It was flown by Dirk 
van Oyen,
>the composite professor from Belgium, younger than me but actually my 
>Today he is for example an Airmaster and Norwegian dry suit retailer in
>We will never forget the moment when he suddenly came here and asked 
>"are you the
>Europa Builder?"=2E That happened just after 2000=2E He came here w a 
>strange mc with for example
>a hand made cruise control after a hard circle around Scandinavian 
>What a beard he had - we thought some Russian partisan is coming here,
>taking my life, my wife and selling my kids and some properties=2E But it
>was not so=2E
>What a man! Please destroy instantly your Airmasters and please buy new
>ones from The Dirk!
>OH-XRT has flown 492 hrs and I have made 788 landings with my Mono=2E
>This is hard for some Englishmen, but I haven=C2=B4t so far broken any pr
>I=C2=B4m proud enough to say, this is not possible only with a lucky=2E
>Actually no problems at all, if I do not count several serious fuel 
>related problem=2E
>This could be a long story, but my first engine stop was during TT 5=2E
>One of them was over the Baltic Sea=2E But we are he, me and my RT=2E
>Some day - maybe in the Europa Magazine - I will report a full story
>my strange but very understandable fuel problems
>(Jos - you were right - if Mono is in a wrong position, it=C2=B4s not 
>possible to fill fuel full, sorry!)=2E
>One more thing:
>My Europa has 10 years birthday 2017=2E Many of you have asked me to
>the exact location
>of The EFTR=2E It=C2=B4s*N611743 E0234557=2E *Same lat as in Anchorage in
>from where I bought the new skins
>to my wife=C2=B4s ac, which I brought=2E Do not be afraid, some times it
>really possible to fly here=2E
>Actually many of you know that, like David Bosomworth, Bob Super 
>Harrison, Dirk of course
>and for example our brave chairman=2E
>Here they are, 3 Europas and their pilot after mid night flight in 
>Finland EFP=2E
>So, we, My Flying Family Toivio, welcome you ALL here 2017=2E All who are
>really landing to the EFRT,
>will get a special attention; a very rare landing drink "Aviator Ale",
>spectacular gift,
>free hospitality, full high level food and of course a sauna, golf,
>and such a things (fuel 98E available, but not totally free)=2E Please do
>not believe
>Bob=C2=B4s stories about monster mosquitos, there was not any but only ju
>one then when he was here
>(and actually she was a miniature size and almost dying, that happened 
>in Sauna unfortunately,
>probable she was biting Bob=C2=B4s Grande Balls and that=C2=B4s why he is
>shocked about this)=2E
>_Must ask a permission to land!_ Call + 358 40 590 1450 before coming=2E
>There are then and then 300 cows on the field and we have to pay 5000
>all you hit!
>Seasons Greetings - We wish you all safe flights 2017!
>Cheers, Raimo Toivio
>Europa XS Mono OH-XRT #417 2007
>LamcoCub M SE-VAY 2004
>Bravo AS202T OH-NTM 1995
>Antonov AN-2 TDSRM AirCamper HA-MDO 1987
>Beechcraft C45 Twin OH-BLL 1953
>37500 Lempaala
>p +358-3-3753 777
>m +358-40-590 1450
>- only beer in the world brewed to aircraft standards
>   by pilots to pilots and also to normal people
>raimo=2Etoivio@rwm=2Efi <mailto:raimo=2Etoivio@rwm=2Efi>
>www=2Eflyingbreweryfinland=2Efi <http://www=2Eflyingbreweryfinland=2Efi/>
>www=2Erwm=2Efi <http://www=2Erwm=2Efi/>

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