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Europa-List: Re: Noisy Comm Radio

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Noisy Comm Radio
From: Troy Maynor <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 03:50:37

I tried all the things suggested except the SWR access to one yet. It
made no difference running the Ipad and Stratus on self batteries. I check the
integrity of all grounds and coax connections that were accessable. I did think
I momentarily showed a short center to shield when I had my meter on the
male pin in the back of the radio rack but could not repeat it. So now I have
the panel at home in my garage. I built in such a way to have it out of the 
in about 30 minutes. 
I am planning to replace the RG58 with RG400 from the radio rack to the Bob 
antenna on the port bulkhead aft.
So my questions now are:
1. Should I put ferrite torroids on both my electric attitude ind. and turn 
power wires? What other consumers would need torroids on their power 
monitor? AOA system? Transponder?  other?
2. Should I run a separate ground wire from the radio to the battery itself. 
it is on one of the Bob Nuckoll's 20 or 30 point grounding strips connected
to the negative battery cable inside the panel and would seem useless to
run another wire to the same place anyway but maybe it would help. I do have
one more spare pin on a connector to get thru the firewall of about a 20 gage
wire size.
3. The Sigtronics intercom wires weren't shielded. Do they need to be wrapped up
in some kind of shield foil or braid?
I just want to "carpet bomb" anything that could contibute to noise, static, 
interference while I've got the panel out. 
I am also trying to find a new 90 degree coax fitting that fits the ICOM rack.
I may be able to just reuse the one there now. 
Thank you so much for your responses.

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