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Europa-List: Re: Alternative fuel tank mounting?

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Alternative fuel tank mounting?
From: spcialeffects <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 14:58:41

So this is the stage that im at in my build and have been putting off bonding in
the tank as so many have been reported to have split recently. Bud yearly has
produced a solution fix using 1/8' cork but the three main things i have put
to the top of my list to stop my tank from having problems later on are.. 
before bonding in the tank fill with fuel and leave in for as long as possible
so that the tank expands and trust me mine grew on the back wall were the
fuel comes in from the cobra by about 1/2'. Secondly bond the tank into the
module when it is in this expanded state but dont bond the glass to the tank.
Put some sort of release agent on the tank so that when the tank shrinks back
to its original size the glass would have already set at the tanks maximum size
and this then leaves the "room" for the expansion and contraction of the tank
later on, and finally once the plane is up and flying dont leave the tank dry
keep it at least half full. When i bond in my tank which im hoping to do next
week i also want to make a cradle of it to sit in like another builder has done
on the europa owners site. his photo is attached. Just my two pence worth
but may be some use. Regards Frank

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