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Re: Europa-List: Cockit ventilation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cockit ventilation
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:38:22
Hi Pete,

I have them in my Europa.  They provide an impressive quantity of air.

Blue skies & tailwinds,
Bob Borger
Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.
Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX  76208-5331
Cel: 817-992-1117

On Oct 22, 2013, at 3:15 PM, wrote:

I have recently become the owner of a Tri Gear Europa and have already 
found the need for better flight deck ventilation.  I have been looking 
at various devices to solve this requirement and wondered what simple 
solutions others had found.
The side Europa NACA vents are effective at cooling my knees but not 
much good for anything else, and they have fallen apart with winter 
approaching. Psssst
I have been looking at the 'ULTIMATE VENTILATOR' from Spruce.   Any 


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