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Re: Europa-List: NMEA

Subject: Re: Europa-List: NMEA
From: David Joyce <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 19:32:17

Pete, My autopilot will be be taking me there as well on 
Sunday. Do you think we should introduce them or just wait 
for them to bump into each other?
Regards, David, G- XSDJ

  " Peter Jeffers" <> wrote:
> Hi Ferg,
> I have this very afternoon instructed my Lowrance to 
>transmit NMEA version 2
> configured to RMC & RMB to the autopilot.  If you are 
>correct with your
> statement below then with any luck on Sunday my Auto 
>pilot may just take me
> to the Laddingford Europa fly in all by itself.  I await 
>being amazed by
> technology that I do not understand.  
>Ferg many thanks for your input.
> Pete
>  _____  
> [] On 
>Behalf Of
> Sent: 16 August 2013 15:42
> Subject: Europa-List: NMEA
>            Cheers,
>            I'm off the study of this topic, but can 
>offer a clue. I have a
> ham program which permits the use of the NMEA protocol. 
>This worthy
> application includes a series "statements" which allow 
>the GPS receiver to
> calculate your position, and other qualities. However, 
>it was designed as
> marine program, wherein ships don't usually change route 
>every few minutes
> as our aircraft might. Therefore, it is missing a 
>sentence which allows for
> setting up a series of legs on a flight. This is either 
>RMB or RMC (I think
> the former - experts please correct). I have failed to 
>discover a device -
> other than the multi-buck aircraft navs - which include 
>this vital sentence.
>For clarity why not consult Wikipedia, which explains it 
>far better than I
> what the sentences are. It's marvellous - and shouldn't 
>leave anyone 'cold'.
> hey,

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