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Re: Europa-List: G Load testing

Subject: Re: Europa-List: G Load testing
From: Gilles Thesee <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 14:05:46

craig a crit :
> Yes but doesnt there have to be a 50% safety margin on g load
Graig and all,

The 50 % margin is for calculation only, especially in a homebuilt. 
Contrary to popular belief, the 4.5 g load for instance, is a 
once-in-a-lifetime limit not to be inflicted on the airframe repeatedly.
Safe load is considered to be approximately 80% of certified load.

> After all you could pull nearly 6 g in a turn (80 degrees bank) taking
> Evasive action for example.
Any airplane can break in flight if mishandled.
It would take a really ham fisted pilot to reach as high as 6g.
Additionally in peacetime I would advise to only perform avoiding 
actions ;-)

Best regards,

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