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RE: Europa-List: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 12:47:29
Hi Jerry=2C
I agree with most that was said by Frans and Jaques. I just wanted to add t
hat I was the first one with the Woodcomp 3000/2W this side of the pond=2C 
and the first on a Europa.It was shipped in one piece=2C so installation wa
s easy. I had terrible support problems because I couldn't get the Woodcomp
 controller to work properly. I returned it for a refund and switched to th
e Smartavionics controller. I had a couple of issues with that as well=2C b
ut a software upgrade fixed that.My reason for choosing this prop=2C becaus
e I wanted a feathering 2-blade for the motorglider=2C and the price was ri
ght. Another choice could have been a Hoffmann=2C at 4 times the price and 
twice the weight.I had 3 (three) motor failures: one in flight=2C one proba
bly on the ground=2C and a third=2C which I now carried as a spare=2C was t
otally corroded. At least the pitch control motors used on my prop are not 
designed for aviation use. I have no idea what motors they use for the Airm
aster.Because of my experience I don't really trust electric pitch control 
on any make and tend to make my takeoff in manual. The biggest load on the 
motor is at high rpm and a failure in the takeoff /climb phase is not desir
able. I assume that you have a trigear=2C because the longer 2-blade jobs a
re not suitable for a mono. Even the trigear needs to have the nosegear rai
sed a couple of inches.Support from the Canadian and US agents is completel
y useless=2C and support from the factory ranges from excellent to very slo
w=2C depending on whether the only English speaker is present or on a sales
 trip.But in general=2C there is no need for immediate support=2C unless yo
u have some kind of failure away from home (as happened to me). This prop s
eemed to vibrate quite a bit at first=2C but after balancing the carbs agai
n=2C it was just as smooth as the Airmaster I was using. In fact I prefer t
he feel and sound of the Woodcomp. Since I smashed the blades in a forced l
anding on a farm field I have reverted back to the ground adjustable Warp D
rive=2C which is also an excellent prop. When I have the money I will get t
he Woodcomp refurbished by the factory.

> Subject: Europa-List: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop
> From:
> Date: Sun=2C 9 Jun 2013 19:22:35 -0700
> To:
> I am getting close to having to select an electric constant speed feather
ing prop for my 914-powered Europa XS Trigear.  The choice seems to be betw
een the Woodcomp and the Airmaster.  Does anyone have flight experience of 
both=2C to provide a comparison?
> My initial impression is that the Airmaster has a good reputation=2C but 
that the available blades do not have sufficient twist near the root to off
er optimum performance.  Woodcomp blades have the twist=2C but I have read 
comments that their after sales service is lacking=2C and there has been at
 least on in-flight failure.
> Are my impressions correct=2C and how does the performance=2C including t
op speed=2C compare?  I should add that i am based in the US=2C and that I 
am looking at a two blade prop.  I would appreciate any advice based on rea
l experience.  Thanks
> Jerry
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