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Europa-List: Re: Ultimate Vents

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Ultimate Vents
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:33:51

Hi Frans,
Years ago I did some flight testing with the D panel partially open and found 
air was blowing from the back fuselage to the cockpit whenever fresh air vents
and heating flap were closed. With the vents open or heating on, there were
no flow through the D panel opening. So you are right that the rear fuselage
is a relatively high pressure area. In the monowheel air is clearly sucked
by the wheel well through the flap/gear lever slot. This is probably why in my
aircraft the air vents are very effective without any purpose built extraction
Should an extraction device be necessary, I would try a hose from the D panel to
an inverted scoop (or inverted Naca ??) at the bottom of the rear fuselage.


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