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RE: Europa-List: post curing

Subject: RE: Europa-List: post curing
From: keith hickling <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 18:57:13


You need to take the thermostat out of circuit if you are using a fan
heater. They mostly have the adjustable thermostat which you can turn up
to about 30 degrees, and an additional safety thermostat which cuts the
power off at around 40 degrees as far as I recall. Aircraft Spruce
supply a kit with a thermostat that cuts the power off at about 80
degrees C and 2 thermometers. I used this as a safety backup, but found
that I could control the temp at 50 - 70 degrees by manually turning it
on and off. It would stay close to the required temp for 15 - 20 mins
after turning off. I also had a seperate fan to keep the air
circulating. I never went too far away from it during the whole process
and checked frequently that nothing was melting !

Keith Hickling.
Keith Hickling,
New Zealand.
Kit 613.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of William
Sent: Monday, 27 February 2012 1:08 a.m.
Subject: Europa-List: post curing


I need to post cure my flying surfaces.  I constructed a home-made
"oven" as per the manual and didn't even get within
hailing distance of the temps required.  


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