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RE: Europa-List: Stall warner-retrofit installation-classic (- Mod 61

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Stall warner-retrofit installation-classic (- Mod 61
From: Peter Jeffers <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 01:33:56

With respect to the classic wing, this location of 52" ensures that you do
not need to penetrate the rib which is located just beyond this distance.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jan de Jong
Sent: 01 November 2011 16:20
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Stall warner-retrofit installation-classic (- Mod
61 B - Classic)

For what it's worth - my opinion.
> * *
> * 1/.) I know the instruction on Mod 61B-Classic says that the hole of 
> the stall warner should be 52'' (1321 mm) out from the aircraft 
> centreline, so far so good!/*
> */ I actually would like to know whether this point 52'' is obligatory 
> or could it be 70''?? And if it must be 52'' what is the reason for 
> this exact point?? Does 70'' from the aircraft/*
> */ centerline not work accurately? And why not? (Because I installed 
> already an empty tube to the 70" point at the beginning when 
> manufacturing the wing!!)/*
Wing section at 70" has slightly lower angle of attack than wing section 
at 52" and stalls a little later, but I think it will work perfectly 
well. Actually, on new build the postion is at least 70" out on the wing 
(past the flaps I remember) and in addition XS wing twist could be 
greater than Classic wing twist (?).
> *//*
> */2.) I understand that a vacuum appears on a special point _below_ 
> the leading edge if in stall configuration. /*
> */ But to my past knowledge in air-pneumatics on the leading wing 
> edges there should still appear a pressure instead of a vacuum when 
> the wing comes to the stall. I looked /*
> */ into many /*good aeronautical text books containing the theory of 
> stall characteristics but I always found a pressure there!?//
> */ I would like to understand the airflow = pressure or vacuum = on 
> the leading wing edge in stall configuration on our type of wing./*
> */ Could someone give me some hints, where I could see/read the 
> theoretical background on this subject? Perhaps on the internet?/*
At high angle of attack stagnation point (pressure = dynamic pressure) 
moves to underside of wing. Somewhere just below leading edge pressure 
drops to below static pressure.
Stagnation point: see attached.
Interesting book including stall warner explanation:
> *//*
> */3.) In the retrofit installation instruction (Mod 61b Classic) it 
> calls at page 5 for a _'W39 probe'_ to be installed at a special angle 
> as per the 'hole template'!/*
> */ What kind of 'probe' is that? Is it just a small brass or aluminium 
> tube of 3 mm inside diameter, or is it a special manufactured 'probe' 
> with a sophisticated inside/*
> */ configuration? Is it a must buying it, or could I manufacture it 
> myself?/*
Must be just an installation aid - on new build the probe is nothing but 
a 5052 aluminium tube.
Inside diameter 3 or 4 mm, 1 mm is enough. Will allow tuning the hole 
position up/down somewhat later.

Jan de Jong,
filling the canoe of #461

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