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Re: Europa-List: Spraying questions

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Spraying questions
From: David Joyce <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 08:57:06

Graeme, Not wanting to sound discouraging, but I think spraying is the one 
thing in the whole build that is worth getting a professional to do. It is 
so easy to make a poor job of it on first attempt, and so obvious 
thereafter, and so difficult to put straight if you don't get it quite 
right! But if you are intent on doing it I would suggest doing a complete 
job on say one tailplane first so that you can be happy with your technique 
before going on. I am sure others who know more about it will give you more 
specific advice, but my one tip would be to be meticulous to the point of 
paranoia in preparing the surface to absolute smoothness and mattness (ie 
none of the original shine of the moulded bits must remain)
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "graeme bird" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:07 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Spraying questions

> I am preparing to spraying the top coats (underside of elevators, then 
> wings first!) and have a couple of simple questions I am using 2K acrylic 
> Octoral PF131 high build primer and Dellfleet 350 top coat:
> a) how to spray large areas like wings - whether better to work in squares 
> or walk down the wing each time? My paint says cross coats and I am using 
> the slow thinner.
> b) do I need to let the primer dry ie 24 hours or is it better to spray 
> sooner and get a better bond. I would guess dry would be best and fine 
> sand off any tiny blemmishes.
> Thanks
> --------
> Graeme Bird
> Mono Classic/XS FWFD 912ULS/Warp drive FP
> Build nearing completion
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