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Re: Europa-List: Underseat Fuel System (+cooling issues)

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Underseat Fuel System (+cooling issues)
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 21:09:02

How does it
> behave in warm weather? Can you fly normally in 
> temperatures of 35 degrees?

+35 degrees here is definetely not a common 
situation in (Great) Finland but around 25-30C - 
no problem - even with a full power and climbing @ 
70 knots.
So, it behaves well! And has behaved well three 
years and over 150 hrs.

(BTW, during last May Finland was one week the 
hottest place in whole Europa including Italy and 
other southernmost places)
> >
> Well, you could achieve the same with a cowl 
> flap I think.

That is true, but: a thermostat is automatic and a 
cowl flap is manual (or maybe you have an 
automatic motorized cowl flap including an 
electric thermostat ;))

Old timer cars did have manual curtains front of 
the rads...todays cars have been updated some 
years ago by they?
Old timer engines have also manual mixture and 
manual ignition controls and so.

OK: automatic = uncontrolled, manual = pilot 
controlled. That is good.

Maybe you are right. The pilot controlled is 
better. That is why I have pilot controlled gears. 
You have automatic. They are (automatically) down 
and tracted.

> The reason I don't like thermostats is that you 
> will still have the
> cooling drag, due to dragging air through the 
> radiator, while you
> actually don't want to cool anything.
> With a cowl flap that closes off the air flow 
> through the radiator, you
> can also prevent overcooling, but at the same 
> time you reduce drag.

OK Frans!

You close your cooling flap. How much faster you 
are flying after that? And how long (before you 
have to open it again)?
How many extra grams?
What about if it will be seized to the closed 

OK, this has been wrote by your personal D.D. 
---From Finland only, do not care. Kwaak kwaak.

Raimo OH-XRT

BTW what is The Date of The Texel Fly Inn - I do 
like to meet you (or your wife in fact) there! 
Would be wonderful and a real pleasure there to 
check our planes in EVERY direction you know.


(zero hours 2010)
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