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RE: Europa-List: Coolant overheating

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Coolant overheating
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:37:51

Hi Frans=2C

I just don't remember exactly what cured my overheat problems. One theory w
as that there was a leak on one of the hose clamps=2C which didn't show up 
with a cold engine=2C but would let out steam (and reduce pressure similar 
to a loose cap) when the engine was hot.

Another was a possible airlock.

Other changes I had made since then was to increase the air exit area=2C cl
ose the gills=2C reduce the round opening on the stbd side by 70%=2C and re
duce the large naca scoop by 80%. More recently I replaced the large main o
pening with a in-flight variable flap further down and back from the origin
al.  I want to cut drag as much as possible for when I switch to the long w

I know that some or maybe most Europas have no cooling issues at all with a
 bog standard installation=2C so I hope that you can get that resolved. Of 
course the 914 is putting out more heat=2C and I don't know if you have tha
t baffle which directs air over the cylinder heads. Is the thermostat accur
ate ?  The probe for mine is in one of the coolant hoses.

You had made similar mods to your cowling=2C so that should have helped.

Cheers=2C  Karl

> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Coolant overheating
> From:
> Date: Thu=2C 29 Oct 2009 23:37:42 +0200
> To:
> [quote:840d48a39a="kheindl"]
> I have a trigear/912S with close to 300 hours=2C with no previous problem
s of this nature. For my last annual I decided
> to change coolant (glycol 50/50) and oil=2C and all hoses and fuel lines.
 I had also made changes to improve airflow over 
> the engine=2C at the same time reducing drag. I have since then removed t
hose changes again=2C but this has made no difference.
> On the contrary=2C the temperature seems to be even higher.
> I just don't want to spill a lot of coolant all over the engine. One idea
 is to remove the coolant - I have a pump and I can
> feed the extraction hose right down to the radiator - and then refilling 
the radiator first=2C and then the rest.
> I will keep all informed.
> [/quote:840d48a39a]
> Found this post in the archive. I guess you have solved the problem by no
w=2C but I would be interested to hear what you had to do to fix it.
> Fired up my Rotax recently=2C and now with 3 hours of intermittent runnin
g=2C I can finally keep it running at idle without overheating (that is=2C 
with the temperatures stabilizing at 115 Celcius). Quite an improvement=2C 
but of course I'm hoping to get further than this. If you found a reason wh
y your Rotax overheated=2C it might well be worth checking to see if my Rot
ax has the same problem.
> Frans
> Visit -

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