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Re: Europa-List: Tri-gear Jamar brakes

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tri-gear Jamar brakes
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 23:28:15

Robert C Harrison wrote:

> Hi! Frans. If you are filling oil from the bottom,(that is with the
> bleed (filling) nipple at the bottom, as you say air rises so there
> will not be a pocket of it in the slave cylinder top, you will expel
> all the air out of the master cylinder. If the bleed nipple is at the
> top of the slave cylinder and you are trying to expel air downwards
> and back to the master cylinder it won't oblige! You are actually NOT
> using it as a "bleed" nipple in this application you are using it as
> a filling nipple to expel the air upwards and to the master cylinder.

Ok, got that. But I never intended to bleed it this way, but just
"normally" like with cars: top up the reservoir, push the brake and open
the nipple, close it, release brake, and repeat until the air is gone.
Actually, this is still what I intend to do after I initially filled the
system from the bottom up.

If the system is bleed entirely by pumping in fluid from the bottum up,
then your configuration makes more sense. Although it will be difficult
to route the brake line. If you route it down to the leg and then
upwards, then again there is a pocket where air can collect. The only
solution is then to route it upwards directly from the caliper, which is
a problem if you have the leg fairings installed.


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