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Re: Europa-List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures
From: Garry <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 19:30:58
Jim, I can't remember right now.  I'd have to go to my hanger and look 
up my latest invoice from Desser.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Garry 
  Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 4:18 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures

  Jim Brown..........what size nose gear tube did you use?

  Garry Stout

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Jim Brown 
    Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 3:42 PM
    Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures


          We had the same problem on our RV-7A that our son flys.It went 
flat after he had landed...
          No damage, but we also went to different size on the nose gear 


          --- On Sun, 9/20/09, Robert C Harrison 
<> wrote:

            From: Robert C Harrison <>
            Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures
            Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 9:43 PM

            Hi! Jim 

            I have had the problem with failure of the nose wheel inner 
tubes at their seams. Especially before I researched slightly different 
size tubes. The originals were too large a diameter on the 
=9Cballoon=9D dimension and so always inflated with a crease 
in them.


            Bob Harrison G-PTAG 



            From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
            Sent: 20 September 2009 13:11
            Subject: Re: Europa -List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures



                  I have been following this thread on flats, and I have 
a few points to make, that have worked for me.

                  I have been flying my monowheel almost ten years off 
paved runway's...My kit included the old "tundra tire" and instructions 
to use low pressure,(I don't remember PSI, but the sidewalls rubbed the 
Landing gear frame.) The plane taxied like it was runing in mud..

                  I changed that tire at about 20 hours to a 700 X 6 and 
6 plys and used 30 PSI. The plane is much easier to taxi, take off's are 
much quicker, and in 800 hours I have replaced two tires that were worn 
out. No flats !!!! I can't say that the air pressure is the problem, and 
also I don't fly off grass, but I have not had the problems that so many 
of you are having.

                  On another note having made the above change I also 
changed the outrigger lengths, as the new tire, with higher pressure 
made the original outriggers to short. Over the past ten years I have 
extened the outriggers in length, to now when the plane is parked, both 
outriggers touch the ground. For me ground handling is much better, and 
in landing with the longer outriggers the "rocking from one outrigger to 
the other" is now gone.

                  Also another question ? Are the flats limited to the 
Monowheels ??? Are are the tri gears having this problem? 

                  Jim Brown

                  XS Monowheel.

                  --- On Thu, 9/17/09, Paul McAllister < > wrote:

                    From: Paul McAllister < >
                    Subject: Re: Europa -List: Mono Inner Tyre Failures
                    Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 12:32 PM 

                    --> Europa -List message posted by: Paul McAllister 


                    I have this happen regularly.  I now just change 
them every 100 hours
                    and I never travel without my jacking block and a 
spare inner tube.  I
                    have tried inner tube talcum powder and different 
pressures with out
                    much improvement.

                    The failure mode seems to be chafing on the side 
wall due to running
                    such  low pressure.


                    On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 5:02 AM, Raimo Toivio 
<> wrote:
                    > All
                    > I have lost without visible or known reason two 
innner tyres in my
                    > Monowheel.
                    > Loosing suddenly main gear=C2=B4s air pressure is 
not a funny game and did not
                    &gtom/Navigator? Europa -List" 
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