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Re: Europa-List: The Europa Club Membership Subs Reminder

Subject: Re: Europa-List: The Europa Club Membership Subs Reminder
From: JR Gowing <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 16:26:00
Dear Brian

I tried 2 times if I remember rightly a couple of months back and I belived
 I had correctly made the payment.

Now I have tried a couple of times more and filled in the updating part but
 got lost twice in trying to pay.

I am too tired to play about any more; my credit card details are athe same
 as before on Visa, valid to 10/09.

Please try to take the due payment on this info.

JR (Bob) Gowing Kit 327 in Oz
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brian Davies 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:10 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: The Europa Club Membership Subs Reminder

  I have just sent out reminders to all members who have failed to pay thei
r subs this year.  Unfortunately, I included about 100 members who have alr
eady paid!

  Please accept my apology for this.  You will notice that half way down th
e e mail it does actually confirm that you have paid.

  For those of you who have not yet paid please do so now - we dont want to
 lose you!


  Brian Davies
  The Europa Club Membership Secretary

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