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Europa-List: Tri-gear wheel fairing

Subject: Europa-List: Tri-gear wheel fairing
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 21:26:11

Hi all,

While working today on the nose wheel fairing, I noticed that the top of
the front halve is highly asymmetrical.
Now, having gone through all sorts of puzzles with it, it looks like it
is not my fault.

The starboard side next to the hole of the wheel shaft is noticably
lower than the port side. If I wouldn ignore the scribings on the top,
and redrill the hole on the top centered around the highest point, the
hole would be no longer in the middle, offset to the port side. If I
flex the front halve so that it appears to be right, the bottom is
slanted and doesn't align with the wheel hole on the rear halve anymore.
It drives me nuts.

As these fairings are coming from a mold, I suspect that all the nose
wheel fairings are asymmetrical. if this is true, other builders should
have experienced the same.
Has anyone found an easy fix for this?

Or, do I just have a bad individual fairing? In that case I would be
better off to swap it.

Can anyone show me a picture of their nose wheel fairing, taken right
---From the centerline?
Frans Veldman

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