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Re: Europa-List: Cleaning windshield - how to do it safely?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cleaning windshield - how to do it safely?
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:14:29

Thanks for good advice.

As I have noticed by myself - it is not a problem to make it clean.
It is a problem to make it clean w/o same time making those invisible 

That copy "Aircraft windshield and window care and maintenance" was 
Everybody should have it and read it carefully.

Lessons to learn:
Rinse, rinse and once more rinse until all the hard particles are surely 
Using only a finger nail to remove bugs or helicopters is a good idea.
"Any paper is bad" is good to know. 
Old gotton T-shirts are good 
Also must be very carefull when using canopy covers or even avoid using 
them at least during windy conditions.

By the way - maybe the gentlest, easiest and most effective way to clean 
it is to fly through heavy rain...someone may think it is not the safest 
way - I have noticed there may exist some surprises.

Some motorcyclists use some kind of easily changeable transparent film 
to protect their helmet vizors. Obviously no optical problems. How is 
that for windshield (just front of P1)?

Raimo OH-XRT

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Borger 
  Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 1:48 AM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cleaning windshield - how to do it safely?


  I use the stuff recommended by LP Aero Plastics, the folks who make 
the windows for Europa (at least here in the U.S. anyway).  Go to their 
web site ( ) and click on the "Products" tab.  
>From there go to the "Accessories" section.  All their recommended 
products are listed and available there.

  I will also send a copy of their care and maintenance instructions 
directly to you.

  Check six,

  Bob Borger
  Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
  Aircraft Flying!
  3705 Lynchburg Dr.
  Corinth, TX  76208
  Home:  940-497-2123
  Cel:  817-992-1117

  On Apr 19, 2009, at 12:54, Raimo Toivio wrote:


    I have a problem - I cannot find any safe way to clean the wind 
    As you all know it gets very easily hair scratches.
    With those scrathes it is not fun to fly against sun - I do not 
wanna have them any more!
    Have seen nightmares "hey I am going to replace Europa=B4s 

    I have tried to rinse it with plenty of warm water and cleaning 
detergents but that is not enough.
    I am not brave enough to wipe it clean or touch it at all.

    Insects are the main problem - as Bob and Ivor well know sometimes 
during summer here in Scandinavia exists two or even more little insects 
(they claimed mosquitos).

    How do you do the job?

    Raimo OH-XRT

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