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Re: Europa-List: Constant Speed Props, etc.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Constant Speed Props, etc.
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 07:53:07

Thanks very much for the excellent and concise description of the  

Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
Aircraft Flying!
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX  76208
Home:  940-497-2123
Cel:  817-992-1117

On Mar 21, 2009, at 0:22, ALAN YERLY wrote:

> Paul,
> I am only a junior aerodynamicist.  Propeller blade design is still  
> a zen art.  Too many theta, beta sigma deltas to patiently wade  
> through and design a prop.  The math is not beyond me, ( I have a  
> computer program for doing the gymnastics and iterations, (but my  
> kid the aero engineer has to get me in to it...go figure).  I can  
> say that most designs take into account the assumptions of where the  
> max efficiency of their design will be optimized.  When designing a  
> prop blade, it is hard to get a prop that does all things well.  We  
> buy a CS prop to accelerate fast, give max climb and optimum  
> efficiency at the exact torque/power curve for the specified  
> aircraft at a specified cruise speed and altitude, but propeller  
> blade designers don't know your plane, engine or the altitudes you  
> intend to use, so they assume for a specific engine and speed/ 
> altitude, and don't tell anyone.  For you Paul, the next two  
> paragraphs are a bit basic, but somebody less experienced may glean  
> some knowledge or correct me.
> Example:  For max static thrust and quick acceleration of say a  
> float plane/airboat, you design the prop so the entire prop blade is  
> pulling very close to the stall angle based on the rotational speed  
> for takeoff power/torque and forward speed.  This gets the plane on  
> the step quickly and off the water.  But, once you pass about 80 Kts  
> the blade angle of attack falls off due to forward speed, cowl  
> stagnation point / flow interruption and the reduction of power to  
> max continuous for the climb.  To design a perfectly optimized fixed  
> pitch propeller, the following is optimized by trial and error:  For  
> takeoff, the blade bites as described above.  During the transition  
> to climb, the tip unloads slightly and the root takes up the  
> difference.  At cruise the tip unloads further leaving the root to  
> take up the slack.  Balancing this twist means the propeller  
> designer and aircraft/power plant designer must cooperate to achieve  
> this goal.  So the fixed pitch designer at WD makes his blade so  
> that there is extra pitch at the hub decreasing to the tip so as  
> speed increases the root pulls the load the tip can't, but only to a  
> point.  Typically 7500-9500 feet and 120 Kts is about max you'll  
> ever get unless you've got a clean airplane like a Europa and you  
> get 130 Kts...
> Take the Airmaster with the Warp Drive (WD) blades.  On a slow  
> aircraft like a Rans S-7 or a Kitfox.  Let's say their optimum  
> cruise will be 110 Kts at 7500 feet for that plane.  A fixed 68 inch  
> WD prop can be twisted to give max static thrust, and high climb,  
> but then the pitch is too low for optimum cruise, and the plane only  
> makes 105 Kts because the tip is unloaded and prop efficiency  
> drops.    So we put the WD blades on a CS prop hub.  Now the static  
> thrust and high climb are there but once at cruise we adjust the  
> pitch to coarse to allow the prop to bite more and be at the optimum  
> pitch for 110-115 Kts or a little higher.
> Now let's go to our 914 and 15,000 foot cruise.  The WD blade is a  
> good strong blade, but the assumed efficient cruise altitude of the  
> blade may not have been optimized for 15,000 feet and 175 KTAS  
> pulled by an engine making 70 HP and 70 ft lbs of torque at  
> altitude.  As altitude goes up, we know the rules about how density  
> affects the TAS.  The blade (wing) of the prop is now at a higher  
> Reynolds number which results in a lower lift curve slope.  In the  
> rarified air up there, the dynamic pressure is less so less lift (or  
> pull) is provided, and the velocity (True) is higher, so the vector  
> made by the rotational angle of the disk and the Velocity vector  
> forces the blade to a higher angle of attack to bite (course prop  
> pitch).  The higher altitude decreases the thrust (or lift of the  
> blade) and you find yourself with the blade generating max lift, and  
> or in fact stalling at some point and not operating efficiently.  I  
> believe it is a high probability the torque of the 914 engine is  
> higher than the prop requires for max efficiency at altitude.  Hence  
> the CS mechanism adjusts the prop to a more coarse setting to absorb  
> the torque demanded by the throttle, but that puts the blade at an  
> angle which lowers the overall efficiency of the blade. Therefore  
> you experience the effect of no appreciable increase in speed the  
> higher you go.  The WD blade is most probably being over driven by  
> the 914 at altitude.  I presume you experimented with many manual  
> pitch settings, manifold pressures and RPM settings looking for max  
> performance.  I am well behind you as my schedule does not allow a  
> lot of time to climb to altitude and test, but I am hoping for a  
> break this spring.  My gut feeling will be that I will need to  
> throttle back to gain efficiency and be satisfied with 40 mpg  
> instead of 30 and get to my destination a little slower.
> From my Airplane Aerodynamics reference by Dommasch, Sherry and  
> Connolly, "Because of the factors discussed above, we find that the  
> over all shape of a propeller is determined by the maximum speed at  
> which it must operate efficiently.  A low-speed planform should be  
> slender with well rounded tips, whereas a high speed planform should  
> have a large chord, with the maximum amount of blade area  
> concentrated in the minimum diameter.  Because the major portion of  
> the thrust is derived from the outer portion of the blades, a high  
> speed propeller is generally characterized by paddle shaped tips  
> that place the area where it can best be utilized.
> What's the fix?  To translate the above academic explanation, the  
> best example is to look at WWII prop designs of the VDM propeller  
> used on the ME 109.  Early versions had the thin profile blade we  
> see on our WD narrow chord blades.  But as engine performance and  
> the demand for higher altitudes increased, the designers went to a  
> wider prop of more surface area to absorb the torque, and to create  
> more thrust out of the blade normally lost due to the effects of  
> higher altitude.  They were limited by the diameter of the prop due  
> to ground clearance, and production forced them to stick to three  
> blades so they fattened the blades, increased the pitch of the root  
> and went to war (see pictures of the Ta 152 for an even higher  
> altitude and speed prop).  Takeoff performance wasn't that much  
> better because the larger blade area demanded more torque/power than  
> available and the pitch was reduced lowering efficiency at takeoff,  
> but mid altitude climb and acceleration, as well as cruise was  
> improved.  By the way the VDM was a variable pitch prop, with a  
> visual indicator of prop pitch in the cockpit, not a constant speed  
> prop.  Talk about pilot work load.  In the US we did the same for  
> the P-47 by changing the Hamilton Standard prop from a thin blade to  
> a thicker blade as WD did and made the prop Constant Speed to reduce  
> pilot work load.   God I love history...
> Right now Airmaster is looking at a number of blades that fit our  
> hub and future hubs.  Problem is, the blade designs are many, and  
> twist features are not that much different than the WD.  My comment  
> on the Kiev blade is that it doesn't appear to have much more twist,  
> but it does seem to have more area.  It is in use on lower altitude/ 
> low performance ultralight and trike aircraft. It is light, but, is  
> its hollow design tough enough for the 914 at high Q, and for our  
> Europa, all the Kiev prop blades are longer (67") than we can  
> normally use.  Sensenich (fixed) and Whirlwind (oil pump driven  
> hydraulic) have wider chord blades than the WD and may hold an  
> advantage in some areas, but give a thumping sound as the pressure  
> wave hits the aircraft.  Airmaster does use their own Europa to test  
> prop blade performance.  In my opinion, if some blade was  
> significantly better for the three blade AP332, it would be on there  
> already.   Since we have new meat in the prop market, there are more  
> choices in the blades, and the Rotax / WD is very popular so the new  
> blades favor that LSA speed/altitude market now and use a similar  
> hub attachment and blade design.  I'm afraid there is not a lot of  
> call for high altitude low power high speed props like we need for  
> cruise at 15,000 feet.  Also the market has to be satisfied, many  
> lower performance aircraft enjoy the Airmaster and aren't in need of  
> a major change, while other markets need a longer two blade prop for  
> static thrust.  Wider blades restrict feathering or cowl clearance  
> in some aircraft.  These are the things being evaluated at this  
> time.  It takes time, money and testing.
> Good Night,
> Bud

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