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Europa-List: Now Avionics Installation

Subject: Europa-List: Now Avionics Installation
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 07:48:11

On Feb 17, 2009, at 23:31, Fred Klein wrote:

> Bob...thanks for all this info...sounds like an exquisite  
> installation...I have a couple questions, inserted and indented below.
>> I have a Bob Archer Model 6 big E antenna in the tail with the coax  
>> running forward to the center seam then down the fuselage port  
>> side  seam thence following the fuselage seam to the firewall.
>       I take it the coax is on the centerline of the "roof" (not the  
> floor) of the fuselage.

The Coax runs forward from the vertical middle of the antenna to the  
vertical stab forward edge.  Then along the leading edge to where it  
joins the fuselage where it turns port, runs down the port side of the  
fuselage to the seam, thence forward along the seam.

>> I have two Bob Archer Model 7 "V" antennas for VHF Nav.
>       Why two?...Are you running dual Navs? Are you IFR equipped?

One for the Garmin 530 and one for the Garmin 430.  Yes, the aircraft  
is IFR equipped.  And I am IFR rated.  NO, I will not intentionally  
fly the aircraft into IFR conditions.  It is strictly for the occasion  
when the wonderful VFR forecast is wrong and I have to let down  
through an overcast layer or make an approach to high minimums.  None  
of the 200 & 1/2 stuff either, I'll  go somewhere else first.

>       (Note: The Aviator's Guide to GPS sez the FAA's phase-out of the  
> whole VOR/DME network is expected to be complete by 2010...or has  
> that been postponed?)

The Nav/Com stuff was designed and implemented prior to the decision  
to phase out the VOR network.  Were I doing it again today, I would do  
it differently.

>> The second is in the area over the baggage bay with the coax  
>> running forward to the back door frame where it turns port and down  
>> to the fuselage seam then forward to the firewall.
>       Is this antenna superimposed over the coax from the Big E?

ALL antenna coax run down the port side fuselage seam in a neat bundle.

>> All the antenna coax run down the port side fuselage seam  All  
>> electrical stuff runs down the starboard side fuselage seam.  Not  
>> sure all that is necessary, but it doesn't hurt either.
>       better safe than sorry


>> I have not had the opportunity to work with the VORs yet so I can't  
>> say how that antenna arrangement works for sure.
>       please let us know

Will do.  When time permits, I want to put down some observations from  
my first flight.  I also need to post some pix from some recent clean- 
up work which has come about from the first two flights.

>> I hope that helps.
>       indeed it does, especially for this RF-challenged guy...thanks again

You are quite welcome.

> Fred
> A194

Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
Aircraft Flying!
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX  76208
Home:  940-497-2123
Cel:  817-992-1117

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