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Re: Europa-List: rudder cable pulley mounting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: rudder cable pulley mounting
From: rlborger <>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 07:51:04


It may be too late, but you can check my build website (URL in the  
signature block), Album: Year #6 Q1 2007 for my solution to the  
problem.  The first pic is the last one on page 1 and it runs through  
the first few pics on page 2.

And if this isn't your problem, just ignore this.

Check six,
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
(99.99% done) Checking off the last few items on the final check list.
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX  76208
Home:  940-497-2123
Cel:  817-992-1117

On Nov 29, 2008, at 11:57 AM, Rowland & Wilma Carson wrote:

> >
> I've just drilled the holes for the rudder pulley and the inboard  
> harness attachment, and am a bit surprised to find that when the  
> pulley is mounted, it doesn't look anything like the drawing in the  
> manual.
> The picture shows the pulley well clear of the harness mounting  
> hole, but I find that it overlaps the bolt head completely. I  
> thought I'd fallen into another of those "printed manual is wrong,  
> should have checked the PDF first" traps, but the PDF is the same as  
> my hard-copy. My pulley does align with the edges of the cockpit  
> module tunnel in the recommended way - about flush at the aft, and  
> about 6mm clear of the bottom surface.
> The manual suggests 3 spacing washers (AN960-10) as a starting point  
> for pulley placement. That does put the pulley clear of the harness- 
> fixing bolt head, but if one of those were removed it would be  
> rubbing, so there is not much adjustment of position available. The  
> smallest washer pack that I think would be OK here is 2 off AN960-10  
> + 1 off AN960-10L.
> Any comments on this? Has anyone found the need to reduce the washer  
> pack much to get good rudder cable alignment?
> regards
> Rowland
> -- 
> | Rowland Carson  LAA #16532
> | 1170 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI  e-mail <>

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