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RE: Europa-List: outrigger leg broke

Subject: RE: Europa-List: outrigger leg broke
From: glenn crowder <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:02:59

Mine is A36 and living in very dry Denver seems to have no issues.  I'm goi
ng to
look today to see if it would be possible to insert a tubular nylon stiffen
er that would surround and extend out of the outrigger mount an inch or so 
to eliminate the stress riser and spread the load.  

Also thinking of trying some stiffer down springs to try and get the outrig
gers to
lock down at a higher airspeed.  Mine seem to be getting tired after 10 yrs
do not clunk down until I'm slowed up on short final - a little disconcerti
Looking at McMaster's selection of extension springs there's hundreds of th

> Date: Wed=2C 29 Oct 2008 06:31:17 -0700> From:> To: eur> Subject: Re: Europa-List: outrigger leg broke> > --
i Jos=2C> > Mine is kit # A211 and Paul Boulet=2C who also had a failure is
 near that > kit #. His broke in Arizona=2C so that follows your theory.> >>> >> > Well Kevann=2C that makes 2 incidents=2C where low humid
ity could have played a role. It would also explain why outleggers never br
eak off UK based planes. They do have a humidity problem=2C at the other ex
treme. > >> > To exclude a batch problem=2C wat is your kit #? I had kit #6
00 When i reported the incident 3 years ago nobody had ever heard of such a
 thing. Now there seem to be more. > >> > Regards=2C> >> > Jos Okhuijsen> >
> >> >> >> >> >> > Visit -> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
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Store=2C manage and share up to 5GB with Windows Live SkyDrive.

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