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Re: Europa-List: connectors

Subject: Re: Europa-List: connectors
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:17:07

Paul Stewart wrote:
> Anyone with nav/strobe units in wing tips - what have you used as
> electical connectors at wing root. The ones I got supplied are VERY
> heavy - looking for thoughts on anything more light weight.

You may want to look for "Molex" connectors. They are very lightweight
and easy to assemble. They are available in all sorts of different
amount of pins. Best known are the 4-pin ones that are used in the PC to
connect the power to the harddisks. For your purpose, you are going to
need 5 or 6 pin versions.

Otherwise take a look at eBay. I found a Bulgarian source for army stock
connectors. Very robust, with locking ring, high amp rating, and still
quite light weight and small. I use them because they have 20 pins, so
besides the nav/strobe it also connects the aileron trim, wing camera
mount, and on the ground this connector dual duties to make a connection
to the trailer (for ground power) to keep the batteries charged. It
saves me a separate connector, and make it impossible to forget to
disconnect before flight. ;-) The only downside is that the pins are
positioned very close together and are solder only.


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