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Re: Europa-List: Fuel pipes

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel pipes
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 21:14:18
Funny you should say that.

I have today replaced all my braided hose for the newer stuff from the 
factory Which dosent have the protective sheath), because my inspector 
pretty much said the same about the old style Europa hose as you have - 
ie: looks great but not fit for purpose.

Cant say I noticed anything wrong with the old stuff (5yrs old), but 
clearly it dosent age well.

Dont really see the need for metal braided covering if the hoses are 
secured properly. Even braid will wear if not secured properly.

I think its fair to say that aircraft quality hose probably wont do the 
job if you are usiing mogas as it appears to be more aggressive towards 
unsuitable hose. Probably best to use racing spec stuff as racing fuels 
can contain a lot of alcohol/ethanol - presumably the hose can cope with 

Carl Pattinson

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Frank Mycroft 
  Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 6:54 PM
  Subject: Europa-List: Fuel pipes

  G-BWYD has fuel pipes which are rubber with a cotton and then a 
stainless braid covering.  They look great, as though they would last 
for ever - but they don't!  One of mine sprung a leak after I moved it a 
bit and when I removed the stainless and then the cotton braids I found 
that it was perished and split circumferentially in the place where it 
was leaking.  The pipes are obviously resistant to outside abrasion, but 
you can't see what's happening inside and they plainly have a limited 
life, at least inside the engine compartment.  Mine had been in place 
for 11 years.

  What pipes do people recommend?  Alloy pipes are great if installed 
during the build, but not so easy for a retrofit.  I have Aeroquip 303 
---From the tank to the electric pump, but the stuff with the stainless 
braid from then on when the chances of outside abrasion are greater.  
LAS don't seem to supply the stainless braid stuff.  How do people 
protect the Aeroquip pipe where it could suffer from outside abrasion.


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