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RE: Europa-List: Fuel pipes

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Fuel pipes
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 12:02:07

Many of us are using auto grade fuel injection hose. It's tough and heavier
and designed for auto gas and deals with alcohol unlike milspec airplane
hose. They are very resistant to abrasion. It's a good practice to replace
all the rubber at least every 6 years. I think Europa has even a shorter
time frame.

Nice part is you can purchase it at most auto supply houses.



[] On Behalf Of Frank Mycroft
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 10:54 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Fuel pipes

G-BWYD has fuel pipes which are rubber with a cotton and then a stainless
braid covering.  They look great, as though they would last for ever - but
they don't!  One of mine sprung a leak after I moved it a bit and when I
removed the stainless and then the cotton braids I found that it was
perished and split circumferentially in the place where it was leaking.  The
pipes are obviously resistant to outside abrasion, but you can't see what's
happening inside and they plainly have a limited life, at least inside the
engine compartment.  Mine had been in place for 11 years.

What pipes do people recommend?  Alloy pipes are great if installed during
the build, but not so easy for a retrofit.  I have Aeroquip 303 from the
tank to the electric pump, but the stuff with the stainless braid from then
on when the chances of outside abrasion are greater.  LAS don't seem to
supply the stainless braid stuff.  How do people protect the Aeroquip pipe
where it could suffer from outside abrasion.


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