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Re: Europa-List: Rotax 912 run on

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax 912 run on
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 16:54:48

I just went through this last summer and as Paul said it's probably at 
the mags. The wire coming out of them is very cheep and needs a pig 
tail of quality tefzel (Not sure of that spelling) wire. We then 
soldered the ground wires direct to the pigtails and the problem has 
never come back. Make sure you tie wrap the pigtails and put some 
shrink tubing at the solder joint. Vibration is your enemy right at the 
mag. A partially broken wire gave me fits until this list told me to 
look there.
Jeff R.
A258 - N128LJ / Gold Rush 96 hours and climbing slowly.

On Dec 5, 2007, at 2:54 PM, David Joyce wrote:

> <>
> We have of late been experiencing a run on with the engine after 
> switching off!
> The only way we have been able to shut down has been by turning off 
> the fuel.
> It does not do it evrytime, however the instances are becoming more 
> frequent, I have only subscribed to the list for just over a year and 
> dont recall any other instances?
> However if there are any ideas or suggestions I would be gratefull?
> rgds
> David J Joyce B-BWON

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