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Europa-List: Tailplane torque tube bushing question

Subject: Europa-List: Tailplane torque tube bushing question
From: G&amp;TPowell <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 07:14:35

I purchased an XS kit in 2003 and never got my Accelerated Stage I kit, due to
the collapse of EMIL.  Later, I purchased the tailplanes already built from a
charity that got them from someone's estate.  The torque tube TP4 is extremely
tight when I try to put the tailplanes on, and it is nearly impossible to get
the TP4 to seat properly in the TP6 sleeve already bonded into the tailplanes
(the TP12 pins will not seat into the TP13 bushes, due to the difficulty in 
the torque tube in).  If I can't get the tailplanes on in my shop, I certainly
won't be able to get them on the completed airplane.   

It appears I have 2 choices:  cut into the tailplanes and remove/reseat the TP6
sleeve, or build new tailplanes.

How difficult a task is it to unbond the TP6 bushing and reseat it, making sure
the TP4 fits properly and does not bind?  If I go this route, what is the best
course to take?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

George Powell

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