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Europa-List: club subs unpaid

Subject: Europa-List: club subs unpaid
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 21:01:30

The Editor has told me that the June issue of the Europa Flyer is on 
its way to the printers, so in a couple of days, as one of my final 
duties as Europa Club Membership Secretary, I'll be printing off the 
address labels for all paid-up members of the Europa Club to receive 
their copies. Pretty soon after that Brian Davies takes the reins, 
and you'd better watch out, 'cos I'm sure he's gonna run a tight 
ship! :-)

Alas, in preparing to print the labels, I find that there are 60 
members from whom I've not yet had a renewal payment for 2006-2007. 
Some of those had agreed to set up a Standing Order, but we've 
received nothing from them this year. Maybe some folks meant to renew 
but somehow forgot. We won't make a big deal out of it - just pay up 
& all will be forgiven!

If your name appears in the list below, there is just time to get in 
touch with me and get your subs paid before I print the labels.

If you don't wish to renew (maybe you sold your Europa?), it'd also 
be good to hear from you, so I don't keep wasting my time & yours 
chasing after you.

Lyle Antieau            A137   N137EA
Paul Artusa             A093
Keith Atkinson          243    G-FLRT
Karim Bachu             420
Jim Barber              361
Michael Bark            326
Vincent Barnes
Dave Bennett            387
Mark Burton             065    G-NEAT
Sean Cantwell           122    G-BXNC
Jag Chaggar             519
David Conrad            A078   N200XS
Garry Copeland          513
Robert Davies           078    G-ROBD
Nigel Davis             603
Chris Dennis            539
Andreas Doblhoff-Dier   133    OE-ADD
Ian Dole                336    G-CCUL
Philippe Dufey          024    HB-YIA
Anders Edvinson         416    SE-XVT
Fergus Flynn            286    EI-COE
David Glauser           A071   N82GT
Michael Grass           A266
Jim Gunnlaugson         A192   C-GUNN
George Haines           104    G-BWUP
Graham Hall             445
Robert Hallam           442    G-CROB
Myron Haluschak         A046
Geoff Harding           457    G-CGDH
Jerry Hope              A202   N20XS
Mark Jackson            087
Bill Johns
Alex Kaarsberg          529
Tony Kay                179    G-TKAY
Robert Knapton          502    G-CCFK
Joe Like                A086   N952JL
Troy Maynor             120    N120EU
Ian Milner
Zef Mumtaz-Ahmad        538    G-OZEF
Padhraic O'Conghaile
Jos Okhuijsen           600    OH-XJO
Carl Pattinson          049    G-LABS
Jim Roseby              367
Andrew Sarangan         A178
Brian Selmes            053    G-BWEG
Rick Sementilli         A141   N141EW
Jamie Sharp             449    G-JAMY
Graham Singleton
Paul Smith
Alan Stewart            038    G-BWFX
Gavin Stewart           115    G-BWZT
Walter Swoboda          137    D-EUKA
Bruce Thackray          546
Peter Thomas            191    G-EMSI
Raymond Thompson        580
Mike Toft               510    ZU-CTG
Tom Tresham             477
Erich Trombley          A028   N28ET
Jorge Vargas
Dean Wiegand            A259

To renew your subscription, contact me by e-mail at 
<>, or phone 01242 525674 (international +44 
1242 525674, 09:00-21:00 Zulu) with your credit card number. (Don't 
send your card number by e-mail!)

Look forward to hearing from you all.


| Rowland Carson (retiring) Europa Club Membership Secretary - email for info!
| Europa 435 G-ROWI (750 hours building)  PFA #16532
| e-mail <> website

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