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RE: Europa-List: RF Problem

Subject: RE: Europa-List: RF Problem
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 19:15:16


I have a Bob Archer antenna in the tail of my Europa.  My trim control &
Navaids go nuts when I transmit and I haven't ever solved the problem.  My
SWR is spot on, and the I never have a problem being heard, so the
transmitter is working well.

I am about to go down the ferrite bead route as well, I would be interested
to know how you get on.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:43 PM
Subject: Europa-List: RF Problem

HI All,
I remember this was discussed before, but to know resolution as I
recall. I Have been fighting an RF problem with my I-Com radio. The RF
is obviously getting into the ground as even the trim LED's are
effected. I have a Stratomaster engine monitor from MGL that seams to
work great until I hit the push to talk button. It then goes black and
the trim and Navaid LED's go crazy as well. I have a Bob Archer antenna
in the tail and the radio sounds clear and transmits well. When tested
with any other antenna the same thing occurs. The power to the antenna
is about 7 watts and there was only about a half a watt or less coming
back on the shield when tested.  I made sure some time ago that the com
RG cable to the antenna was isolated from any other cables. We have
checked, and all grounds are good on the radio. I have been told to
install some ferrite RF suppressors on the ground and output of the
transmitter and to place them on the ground and power going into the
engine monitor. Before I order these have others run into this and have
you determined the cause and solution? Any Ideas are very welcome as I
have been scratching my head for a week!

Thanks in advance,
Jeff Roberts
A258 - N128LJ
Waiting inspection 1st week in March.

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