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Re: Europa-List: skydrive carb heater mod

Subject: Re: Europa-List: skydrive carb heater mod
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 09:26:11
 23/12/2005 09:26:15 AM,
        Serialize complete at 23/12/2005 09:26:15 AM

Things could always be worse, here in the great white north I'm now in my 
4th month waiting for Transport Canada to get their heads around the 
Skydrive system. So far the only progress I've made is the suggestion that 
it has moved from being not acceptable to not recommended.
At this point in time any response from TC, in either official language, 
would be  welcomed, even if it was just telling me to get lost.

Bob's reports on late model kits regularly departing from Zephyrhills 
makes me feel most envious ( and a bit sheepish over my slow progress).

I'm a bit out of touch on my English vernacular, William's " putting up a 
shelf" means?

Christmas greetings to all

Dave A061 

skydrive Carb Heater kit is a PFA approved mod
> approved "All of Type". PFA have approved it at least
> twice under the numbers 10424 and 10951 (well it gives
> them something to do).
> In October I put in the application to convert it to a
> "Standard" mod (with improved documentation) and
> received the reply that this "will be considered over
> the winter".

Don't they work quickly ! NOT !

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