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RE: Europa-List: Stainless steel Firewall

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Stainless steel Firewall
From: Terry Seaver terrys <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 10:36:33

Hi Dave,

  I am shocked to hear some moron would question your choice to install
a safety feature like the Skydrive carb heat.  Providing carb heat via
the engine coolant is superior to the more common exhaust muff, because
it does not rob the engine of power, and can therefore be left on all
the time.  Our neighbor at the airport crashed his plane in Nevada this
summer because of carb ice, losing power on short final.  He got busy
with other things and forgot to turn on carb heat.  He and his wife were
lucky to survive.
  We have an XS with 912S that has had the Skydrive installed from the
beginning.  We have been flying four years and over 400 hours.  We have
tested the engine performance with the carb heat on and off, with no
difference in power.  We were having an unrelated problem (turned out to
be vapor lock) and flew for a while with the carb heat normally off.
During that time we experienced carb ice on the ground and in the air,
so we know that the 912S in an XS can get carb ice.  On both instances,
the rough running went away in seconds once the carb heat was turned on.

Terry Seaver
A135 / N135TD
Pleasanton, CA

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Stainless steel Firewall


It will get worse.
I've been sitting at the airport for the last 2 months waiting for the
MD-RA to allow me the privilege of a temporary C of A.
At the moment they are questioning the phenolic firewall material that
forms part of the fuselage, and the use of the Skydrive carb heat

If there are any Canadian registered 912S powered Europas using Skydrive
or similar, I would appreciate hearing from them, or from anyone else
who can confirm the efficacy of the system.

Now with regard to your stainless steel firewall, you should not have
let me have Graham's phenolic one. It works great, and I just don't see
how anyone ever got the stainless cut outs to fit well.

In a rather depressed mood

.Dave C-FBZI 

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