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Europa-List: re 912s vs 914 TBO

Subject: Europa-List: re 912s vs 914 TBO
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 12:25:14
 09/18/2005 12:25:11 PM,
        Serialize complete at 09/18/2005 12:25:11 PM

Patrick engages in complete and uninformed speculation:

The question that has not been answered is the reliability of the  912S 
against the 914. Remember that the 914 is a turbo charged 912 whilst  the 
912 S
is  a 912 with a much enhanced compession ratio, leading, all  things 
being equal 
to much greater stress on all engine components.   The 914 has not been in 

operation long enough to give proper comparisons  but I suspect that the 
properly maintained and operated with proper  care will prove the much 
lasting engine. 

The actual data is completely the opposite. Just pay attention to any of 
the long discussion on this group
for years now on reliability problems with the turbo and overheating and 
many other problems.
Meanwhile the TBO on the 912S has been increased.  While cheapskates look 
to buy the 3rd party piston
set to convert a 912 into a 912S, the factory mods include many 
engineering change to support as you say 
"a much enhanced compression ratio" of 20%.

Patrick, if you have a question ask it.  If you are clueless, don't 
decrease the SNR in this group

Ira N224XS 912S 160hrs

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