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Re: Europa-List: Evans coolant makeup?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Evans coolant makeup?
From: Richard Holder <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 19:24:26

Ronald J. Parigoris wrote:
> Parigoris" <>
> I have read that Evans coolant is waterless.
> What I didn't know is it is Ethylene Glycol based.
> Anyone know what is added to Ethylene Glycol to make
> Evans?
> I imagine you want something that is a better conductor
> of heat, and some sort of corrosion protection?
> Thx. Ron Parigoris

No this is the wrong way round.

The purpose of the Evans is to increase the boiling point
so there are no hot spots generating steam anywhere. In
practice the Evans conducts LESS heat and so the
temperatures recorded with Evans will be HIGHER than the
temperatures with the 50-50 Water-Antifreeze mixture.

I think !

Richard F.W. Holder                      01279 842804 (POTS)
Bell House, Bell Lane,                   01279 842942 (fax)
Widford, Ware, Herts,                    07860 367423 (mobile)
SG12 8SH                    email :
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, High Cross
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)

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