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Re: Re: Europa-List: TAS Calculations

Subject: Re: Re: Europa-List: TAS Calculations
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 16:24:34

>I didn't record the IAS

Paul - so, how do you know you were flying at the same speed on all 
legs? Same throttle setting (wide open) and trim will only give the 
same speed once stabilised at the same rate-of-climb (0, we hope).

Most of these TAS-from-GPS aids spring from the desire to determine 
whether the IAS is suffering from errors of varous sorts, in 
particular, installation-specific ones like position error.

I'm sure you'll enjoy repeating the lab work!


| Wilma & Rowland Carson <>
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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