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Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted

Subject: Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted
From: Sven den Boer <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 14:01:10


Dutch CAA/FAA is requesting an official noise statement for my aircraft.
Noise Statement from Europa club is not recognized and the penalty is in NL,
same landing charges as a Piper 28.(!@#%$!*)

2 possibilities to counter this:

A: Get a noise measuremnt by an approved organisation/company
B: Get a copy of an official Noise Statement from one of the EASA/JAR
countries or the US/Canada.
It needs to be a stament from a similar type of aircraft, in this case:

Europa XS
Rotax 912S engine
Warpdrive prop

Who can help me out?
Mail or fax your noisestatement, eternal greatfullnes will be your reward.

Best Regards,

Sven den Boer
fax: 084-7377223

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