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Re: Europa-List: The cooling deal

Subject: Re: Europa-List: The cooling deal
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 23:04:04


Don't particularly disagree with any of your points.  However, the point I 
was making was that the use of Evans Cooling fluid is not strictly 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Anderson" <>
Subject: Europa-List: The cooling deal

> There is a reason they put out this service bulletin. If the cooling is 
> effective enough for warm weather, I will be very happy to have it in 
> there to have the piece of mind of not dealing with cooling system 
> boiling. The additional cost to fill with this fluid vs. normal fluid is 
> about $15 - hardly a factor in my plans for retirement. The biggest issue 
> for me is having to carry a supply of the fluid on a trip in case of 
> needing to top off the system.
> A point of interest - the fluid I removed looked as clean as the day I put 
> it in there after 260 hours of engine running time.
> Dave
> A227
> mini U2

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