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Europa-List: Bonding CS14 Brackets to Fuselage sides

Subject: Europa-List: Bonding CS14 Brackets to Fuselage sides
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:39:15

>Hi John,
>All is well in deepest Yorkshire [ apart from the bl**dy Yorkshiremen !]
>Aeropoxy is fine over fibreglass / wood / steel. It works well over Alloy,
>just my personal preference to put Redux over alloy.

Alodine gives very good bonding, it etches the surface so the epoxy (Redux 
is an epoxy with ground elastomer for crack stopping,I know you already 
know that btw) can get into the surface microscopically

Alodining needs to be done with proper chemical cleanliness, start with the 
Boeing water test, a drop of water on the surface should spread out flat, 
not form a droplet. Then heat the part in hot water before dipping in the 
alodine for a couple of minutes.

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